Exploring Trebah Amphitheatre!

There are lots of exciting things to do in Cornwall and theatre performances are little different around here. Settled on the outskirts of Falmouth Trebah gardens is home to a stunning amphitheatre. A unique performance area with a background like no other.


I was kindly invited to watch one of the talented Miracle Theatre shows, called ‘The third policeman’. Having lived in Falmouth myself for over a year, I still hadn’t visited Trebah gardens so I was looking forward to my evening.

After parking up, I ventured down a small path through an abundance of beautiful greenery to the Trebah shop and café. Here you can buy food and drinks to eat whilst you watch the performance. A lot of the other guests were much more organised than I with picnics, blankets, coats and cushions at the ready.


To reach the theatre itself you followed the light up signs. They pointed down a winding plant filled path to the shows entrance.

Once settled, programme and special miracle theatre sweets in hand, the show begun!


After the first half, a raffle started. Ice cream was being passed out optimistically in the not so sunny weather.


The Miracle theatres production was extremely well done, with only four actors in total in the show, it was bursting with witty comedy, mystery, intrigue and some moments of pure craziness!

A truly enjoyable family friendly show, with Trebah’s lushes garden backdrop, I would highly recommend catching one of miracle theatre’s performances, especially if it’s in this beautiful location.


Find out more about Miracle Theatre and where they’re performing next at their website or Facebook page!
Check out what performances are showing next at Trebah’s amphitheatre here!

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